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Izuku Midoriya had always dreamed of becoming a hero. He had grown up watching his heroes on YouTube and reading about them in porn manga my hero academia.
However, when it was time to choose a career path he was told he was not suited to becoming a hero, as he had no supernatural abilities.
But he didn’t give up. Despite his lack of superpowers, he worked hard to develop the skills needed to make his dream of becoming a hero a reality.
He trained feverishly, mastering hand-to-hand combat and building up his body to become stronger. Then, one day, he got accepted into a prestigious hero school.
Izuku was filled with a sense of joy and accomplishment. He was finally able to live his dream.
One day, while browsing his local comic store, he stumbled across some porn manga my hero academia. It featured some of his favorite heroes, along with lots of explicit imagery. He couldn’t help but be intrigued by it.
Soon, Izuku was an avid reader of porn manga my hero academy stories. He found himself drawn to the explicit imagery and the stories of characters that he could relate to.
At first, Izuku felt ashamed of his newfound enjoyment for these stories, but eventually he began to accept it as part of his world. He was enjoying himself and not ashamed.
Izuku found himself even more inspired to become a hero. He used what he learned about these characters to help him on his journey to become a Pro Hero.
He worked even harder at training, studying, and mastering techniques. He was determined to make his dream of becoming a Pro Hero a reality.
Izuku kept reading the porn manga my hero academia to stay motivated. He used the stories as a source of inspiration, and soon enough, his hard work paid off. He became a Pro Hero and fulfilled his dream!
Izuku was a great hero, but he also found joy in his porn manga my hero academia stories. It was his little secret, and it made him happy.